Sudan: Detentions of Resistance Committees in Kordofan

January 25, 2024 Hour: 4:39 pm
Continuing their series of arrests targeting Resistance Committees and political activists, Sudanese army-affiliated security authorities in South Kordofan state (Western Sudan), the arrest operations included dozens of activists in the state capital, Kadugli.
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A joint force, ordered by the governor of South Kordofan, Muhammad Ibrahim Abdel Karim, arrested a number of young men from the Resistance Committees in Kadugli, South Kordofan state.
Sudanese Resistance Committees had denounced all aspects of dictatorial practices pursued by the coup government, including “the militarization of political life and the confiscation of public life.”
Since the outbreak of war between the army and the Rapid Support Force (RSF) in the capital, Khartoum, and other cities, on April 15, many political actors, activists, and media professionals have been subjected to arrest and threats by both sides of the conflict. Army Intelligence had been arresting and interrogating many of them.
⭕ لجان المقاومة الحصاحيصا:
تتواصل انتهاكات مليشيا الدعم السريع في الجزء الخاص بالتغييب القسري، إذ تم اعتقال و اختطاف عدد من المواطنين تحت حجج مختلفة. ولعل من أبرز الأمثلة قصة اعتقال الشابين”عدي حاتم” و “محمد ندا” والذين اختفيا في ظروف مُحيّرة ليتبين لاحقاً أنه قد تم اختطافهما…
— منبر المغردين السودانيين (@SUDTwittForum)
January 22, 2024
The Resistance Committees noted that military intelligence targets volunteers inside hospitals and shelter centers and places them in detention centers without bringing charges against them. They accuse them of unproven slander such as “cooperating with the Rapid Support Militia,” forgetting that they were the first to call for the dissolution of the Rapid Support Militia, while the army generals were claiming that it came from the womb of Armed forces.
The Resistance Committees said that the arrests carried out by Military Intelligence, not allowing visits, or checking on detainees, and not mentioning the reasons for their arrest, “put them in the same trench with the practices of the Rapid Support Militia’s intelligence prior to the April 15 war and considered it a prelude to the coming hideous dictatorship.
The Resistance Committees said in a previous statement that what has been being hatched in the corridors of the military conflict since the outbreak of war is nothing but the establishment of the constants of the oppressive, tyrannical regime.
They considered that the continuation of such violations in form and content are against the internationally recognized human principles and rights and constitutes an impenetrable barrier to the state of law, social justice, and freedom of expression.
The Sudanese resistance committees or neighborhood committees are informal, grassroots neighborhood networks of Sudanese residents that started organizing civil disobedience campaigns against the government of Omar Al-Bashir in 2013 and became a major organized network playing a key role during the Sudanese Revolution.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: AfricaNews